Monday, 1 May 2017

Trafalgar Square

  Kalau ke London, saya rasa wajib ke Trafalgar Square. It's a public square in Central London. Untuk ke sini boleh naik tube or bas, when I was here we used the London Big Bus Tour to get here. Kalau naik tube tak silap saya, boleh turun di Charing Cross Station. Bila sampai di Trafalgar Square ni elok masuk National Gallery sebab free hehe .

 Dari Trafalgar Square boleh berjalan ke Buckingham Palace, London Eye dan Big Ben. Cuma boleh dikatakan agak jauh and banyak berjalan la, kalau tak larat boleh naik tube/bas!

Trafalgar Square 

 Disadvantage tempat ni macam biasa kawasan tourist so agak crowded. Kami pergi masa cuti Easter so ramaiiiii sangat orang. 

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

MMU Melaka; Where to stay?

 Okay when I was researching for my admission into MMU, I of course went into the Internet for information but was surprised how little information I got from the Internet. I had to go to Melaka to see and decide where to stay before my orientation. So yeah,I decide to write this to help some people out.

 So, kat MMU Melaka ada 4 pilihan. Hostel,Ixora,Emerald and rumah sewa. For new students,I highly rec hostel or Ixora or Emerald.

Hostel - Dalam MMU. Fast Internet. 2 person in one room. Bathroom outside. The downside is that jauh daripada tempat makan, have to walk outside for food. Bak kata my friend yg duduk hostel,bila jalan balik from dinner you'll get hungry again lol.

Ixora - Ixora website Ni boleh pilih, nak 2 orang sebilik or 1 room per person. Bathroom inside but slow Internet.Each house ada living room.Ada swimming pool. Tempat makan dekat. But if you are FOB students, it's quite far to walk from Ixora to FOB.

EmeraldEmerald website here Emerald ni ada 2 pilihan; Emerald Apartment or Emerald Residence. Emerald Residence only for female students. Emerald Apartment for both female and male students. Emerald Residence 2 person in one room. Emerald Apartment can choose, nak 4 people or 2 people or 1 person per room.Bathroom inside but slow Internet.Each house ada living room. Very near with kedai makan. Very near to FOB.

Rumah sewa - Kena cari sendiri.Some house come with water heater,AC and washing machine. Quite far from MMU,it's better if you have a car,

Hope this help!

Saturday, 13 February 2016

A new reason

  So it's been kinda long time since I update this blog.I had few drafts but didnt publish them because of several reasons.Anyway this past few months I've been on other people's blog a lot because of travel reasons and looking for reviews for other thing.And my conclusion is banyaknya orang tak bagi information penuh! Like I trust you bulat-bulat lah mak cik and then when I went to the place,I found out that you only write about like half of the experience?! Fine it's your blog so lantak la apa you nak tulis kan? Fine,fine

 Next only the popular stuff got written about like hundreds time.Search on UiTM,UPM students experience and you got plenty. MMU?INTI?KDU? Not really.

 So yeah my new purpose for this blog is to not only to blog my experience it's to give leggit information too.And I'll be writing bout some unpopular stuff that people dont really write about.

Peri Pera Water Tint Review

(image from pak cik Google)

 I was so excited to get a new lip product plus I've been eyeing this particular product for months!However I was disappointed with it :( I got it in the colour red(cherry juice) and it look so pretty when I swatch it on my hand.It's a different story when I applied it on my lips tho.

First of all,it stings.Idk if it's just me but it gave me a weird sensation when I applied it on my lips.Like I'm applying mint lip balm,only more minty and uncomfortable.

Second the colour pay off was not good enough for me.When I first apply it,the colour was too pale so I keep on applying more.Next thing I know,I look like a....Clown!Okay so maybe it's because it's my first time.But I tried for several time after that and I still have the same problem *sigh*

Next it was too watery for me.A youtuber(I forgot who) has talked about this too and she said it was basically red water and I agree.

Someone rec me to buy 'milk tint' for a better consistency etc etc but yeah if you have dry,chapped lips like mine it's better to stay away from this tint.

I got my Peri Pera Water Tint at Watson Malaysia for RM 34,I think.It was a long time ago but I'm pretty sure it's around that price range.

So yeah for me this product is a disappointment but maybe it works for you?

Friday, 12 June 2015

Makanan halal di Hong Kong 2015

Baru balik dari Hong Kong.Kali ini pun tak guna tour atau travel agency.Semua sendiri handle dan main person yang organize trip ni tentunya pemilik blog ni.

Hong Kong lain daripada Korea Selatan.Rasa macam jalan kat Korea hari tu senang je tapi Hong Kong ni err..complicated sendiri.Dulu kat Korea kalau tenung subway map lama-lama,ada je yang tegur,nak bantu tapi Hong Kong ni tak ada heheh.

Seperti biasa,makanan halal merupakan salah satu benda penting yang dah di-survey sejak dari Malaysia lagi.Hasil daripada catatan Malaysian yang dah ke Hong Kong ramai sebut Chungking Mansion.Oh antara yang restoran halal yang popular among Malaysian is Ebeneezer's Kebabs&Pizzeria.

Kami ada juga makan di situ.Tapi berbanding dengan tempat makan yang saya akan recommend ini,Ebeneezer agak mahal.Ini adalah kerana Ebeneezer ini dah berkembang maju,dia dah jadi macam franchise,dah ada di beberapa tempat di Hong Kong.

Okay.First of all,direction!Like I said before Hong Kong ni bagi kami la agak complicated.Tanya locals pun asyik geleng kepala je.Paling bagus kalau  beli sim card dari kedai 1010 kat airport.Terus ada internet.Tak silap 5GB for 8 days.

Cara paling senang nak pergi Chungking Mansion is taking the MTR.Turun kat Tsim Sha Tsui Station.Cari Exit L1.Tsim Sha Tsui Station ni bersambung dengan East Tsim Sha Tsui Station.Exit L1 ni pulak tangga bukannya escalator.Ada sekali tu kami ke sana dengan beg pakaian.Berpeluh la jugak mendaki tangga tu.

Naik je tangga,jalan ke kanan.

Nampak permandangan macam gambar ni..Across the street is SOGO.Sampai di intersection,jalan ke kanan lagi.Akan nampak tempat tunggu bas dan kedai-kedai.Across the street are malls.Be alert.One of the building(sebelah kanan anda) ialah Chungking Mansion.

Depan Chungking Mansion ni banyak foreigner dari Pakistan/India.Diaorang ni nak promote kedai diaorang.Bagi pamphlet pastu ikut kita sambil cakap "Sister,come to this shop.Halal!Halal!" Dua,tiga orang kerumun kami masa first day kami sampai Chungking Mansion.Keep on walking.JANGAN STOP.Buat dek je.Bukan apa sebab lepas tengok pamphlet yang diaorang bagi,makanannya mahal!

Masuk Chungking Mansion,jalan straight jumpa tangga.Naik tangga tu.

Ha nampak tak kedai orange tu?Tu lah Bismillah Kebab House.

Ta dah~Haha sempat snap menu XD Oh makanan wajib order kami setiap kali makan kat Bismillah Kebab House ni BFC(Chicken with Biryani Rice).Yang row atas,dua dari kanan.Harganya HKD 60 so macam RM 30.Makan satu pinggan tu dua orang sebab nasi dia banyak and dia bagi dua ketul ayam.Lagi satu kat sini suka minum sweet Lassi dia.Sedap.Oh ya kat sini jugak kami cuba Turkish sweet,Baklava.Sampai kat Malaysia mengidam pulak dengan Baklava ni haha.

Monday, 18 May 2015


Asal tak bertudung je,kena bash bila post Islamic quote.Bila kita cakap yang baik-baik tentang Allah pun ada sahaja comment 'Pakai tudung dulu,baru boleh....'.Dan yang selalu buat macam ini adalah kaum lelaki,Aku dah naik rimas dengan orang macam ini.

 Aku sekadar bersabar sahaja.Sebab orang macam ini hanya mampu berkata-kata di dalam Internet,meninggalkan comment kat ig artis dan menggunakan akaun fake dengan gambar Barney sebagai profile picture.

 Cuba bayangkan kalau dia kenal kita, satu kelas atau satu pejabat.Dan apa kata kita ni boss dia?Berani ke? Ataupun kat Instagram tu tak boleh buat fake account? Semua personal info kita terpapar seperti nama,tempat tinggal,nama sekolah dan nama pejabat? Tak berani kan? Sebab orang yang awak bash ni boleh nampak diri awak yang sebenar.Sebab mana tahu satu hari nanti orang yang awak bash tu lah satu-satunya orang yang boleh tolong awak masa awak susah,nak ke dia tolong awak lepas dapat tahu awak la orang yang bash dia?

 Semua orang yang buat begini,ya aku kata SEMUA,semuanya berfikiran kolot. Yang tak ada kerja lain atau motivasi diri.Sebab orang lain sibuk belajar,berkerja,menjalani kehidupan sendiri,dia pulak sibuk tweet mengarut ataupun leaving comments kat Instagram orang lain.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Spoilt brats

Some of the girls in my school suddenly has their own blog.At first,I was okay with it and then some of them began to write posts on how to save money.And then,it was not okay.

 Mula-mula,dengar je lah apa yg mereka nak cakap.Yelah,dengan GST implemented,bagus la kongsi tips macam mana nak save money.

 So here is one of their tips;Reduce the make up you're buying every month.Oh btw,do not buy that MAC lipstick if you can borrow it from your mother/sister *wink wink*

 Their second tip is that to always check the price of a barang before putting it into your trolley.Yes,a very common thing that even an elementary school kid know.Apparently this friend of mine just started doing it this year.

 I'm surrounded by this kind of ppl.Most of the time,I'm patient with them,but this?Gah,it's so frustrating to talk to them about money.For them,being broke is having RM 100 in their wallet.I think the reason that I got mad is that they were so arrogant about it!As if they had unlock the secret of life.And one of them even have the nerve to look down on me.She had a job and kinda bought her Iphone with her own money BUT she had allowance every month and I'm pretty sure that her allowance is like 2,3 kali ganda lebih banyak than mine.