Okay when I was researching for my admission into MMU, I of course went into the Internet for information but was surprised how little information I got from the Internet. I had to go to Melaka to see and decide where to stay before my orientation. So yeah,I decide to write this to help some people out.
So, kat MMU Melaka ada 4 pilihan. Hostel,Ixora,Emerald and rumah sewa. For new students,I highly rec hostel or Ixora or Emerald.
Hostel - Dalam MMU. Fast Internet. 2 person in one room. Bathroom outside. The downside is that jauh daripada tempat makan, have to walk outside for food. Bak kata my friend yg duduk hostel,bila jalan balik from dinner you'll get hungry again lol.
Ixora - Ixora website Ni boleh pilih, nak 2 orang sebilik or 1 room per person. Bathroom inside but slow Internet.Each house ada living room.Ada swimming pool. Tempat makan dekat. But if you are FOB students, it's quite far to walk from Ixora to FOB.
Emerald - Emerald website here Emerald ni ada 2 pilihan; Emerald Apartment or Emerald Residence. Emerald Residence only for female students. Emerald Apartment for both female and male students. Emerald Residence 2 person in one room. Emerald Apartment can choose, nak 4 people or 2 people or 1 person per room.Bathroom inside but slow Internet.Each house ada living room. Very near with kedai makan. Very near to FOB.
Rumah sewa - Kena cari sendiri.Some house come with water heater,AC and washing machine. Quite far from MMU,it's better if you have a car,
Hope this help!